Sustainable Cities Mobility Index 2017

Sustainable Cities Mobility Index 2017

In de Sustainable Cities Mobility Index*) vergelijkt ingenieurs- en adviesbureau Arcadis de prestaties van honderd wereldsteden.

De Sustainable Mobility Index verschijnt jaarlijks sinds 2014. Deze editie van Sustainable Cities Index gaat over stedelijke mobiliteit. Helder is dat niet alle steden even ver zijn met duurzame mobiliteit. Door hun vorderingen met elkaar te vergelijken op basis van dezelfde criteria, wil Arcadis handvatten bieden ‘om elkaar te inspireren en van elkaar te leren’.


De steden zijn beoordeeld op basis van 23 criteria. Zo wordt duidelijk welke steden op dit moment het verst gevorderd zijn met duurzame mobiliteit. Het doel van dit onderzoek is om beslissers in steden aan te moedigen van elkaar te leren. En om steden en investeerders handvatten aan te reiken en te inspireren bij het vinden van passende, duurzame mobiliteitsoplossingen. Naast de ranglijst, gaat het rapport in op trends en licht het de situatie in 22 steden nader toe.

Stevige stappen durven zetten

Mobiliteit is essentieel voor het dagelijks functioneren van stedelijke regio’s. Carolien Gehrels, Europees Cities Director, zegt in een door Arcadis opgesteld bericht: “Overal ter wereld hebben steden te maken met snelle verstedelijking, een verouderende infrastructuur, bevolkingsgroei en klimaatverandering. Steden die stevige stappen durven te zetten bij het moderniseren en verduurzamen van hun transportsystemen nemen een voorsprong op hun concurrenten. Stilstand is achteruitgang. Investeren in betere, meer duurzame mobiliteit is goed voor de ontwikkeling en aantrekkingskracht van stedelijke regio’s en voor de leefbaarheid. Het is een verstandige investering in de toekomst. Geld is slechts één van de kritische succesfactoren. Van belang zijn vooral moed, doortastendheid en visie van beslissers en investeerders.”

Uitgelicht: Amsterdam

Overall: 11e People: 25e Planet: 5e Profit: 20e
“A city with more bicycles than people, 58 percent of Amsterdam’s residents cycle to their destinations every day. Amsterdam’s popularity is rising: tourism is increasing and more people want to work in the city. This additional growth is creating mobility challenges. To resolve these, the city has created a mobility plan that extends until 2030. The plan gives priority to pedestrians and cyclists in the city center and better access to underground parking locations. Additional and enforced bike parking is being created, to keep the city free of unused bikes. What’s more, there are major mobility improvements underway to improve connections between Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam and Almere. The Zuidas district, the business district of Amsterdam, is also growing, helped by its convenient proximity to Schiphol Airport, which is just six minutes away by train. The highways and the train stations are undergoing major reconstruction, including tunneling initiatives to improve and expand public space and to increase the capacity of the train station. The major companies located in this district are engaged in improving mobility by agreeing to commit to electric cabs, and are working together to develop Mobility as a Service for their employees. As a part of the Smart City approach, Amsterdam has drafted a Smart mobility action plan. Within the plan lie initiatives such as smart cycling, smart parking, Mobility as a Service with real-time traffic data, advice for best travel and ridesharing options.”

Uitgelicht: Rotterdam

Overall: 25e People: 14e Planet: 26e Profit: 37e
“Rotterdam, just like any other city in the Netherlands, is a perfect place to bike. The city offers excellent and safe facilities for cyclists. Within the last decade the number of cyclists has increased by 10 percent, while the number of cars in the city center has declined since 2010. Rotterdam is home to Europe’s largest sea port, due in part to its outstanding accessibility and intermodal connections, as well as its 175,000 area workers. From north to south, daily traffic jams are common in Rotterdam. However, relief is on the way, with newly constructed tunnels and future plans for improvement. Public transport in the city has been significantly upgraded, with a remodeling of Rotterdam Central Station, the provision of extra park and ride facilities at metro stations and metro expansions beyond the city, including the link to Schiphol Airport. Besides these efforts to improve accessibility, Rotterdam also prioritizes the environmental aspects of their transport systems. The Dutch taxation and subsidy program encourages electric vehicle usage and drives investments in charging facilities. Rotterdam is also a member of 100 Resilient Cities, which incentivizes initiatives to improve air quality in the city, for example, by the creation of low emissions zones in major parts of the city.”

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