NCG-symposium 2017 in Delft

NCG-symposium 2017 in Delft

Het programma van het NCG-symposium is bekend.

Het Nederlands Centrum voor Geodesie en Geo-informatica (NCG) strijkt op 2 november 2017 neer bij de TU Delft, Gebouw Civiele techniek Stevinweg 1 in Delft. Het programma is ingedeeld in vijf hoofdthema’s: The Baarda lecture, Geophysical Geodesy, Machine learning and Stochastics, Mapping and modelling en Sensor systems. Alle presentaties zijn in het Engels. Iedere Break-out sessie bestaat uit vijf presentaties van vijftien minuten. Het symposium is gratis toegankelijk voor iedere geïnteresseerde. Opgeven via, onder vermelding van naam en organisatie. De opgaven worden verwerkt op volgorde van binnenkomst. Vol = vol. De inschrijving sluit 24 oktober 2017.
Globale programma-indeling
• 9:30 uur registration, coffee/tea
• 10:00 Opening by the chair of the Netherlands Centre for Geodesy and Geo-Informatics, prof. Arnold Bregt
• 10:10 – 10:50 Annual Baarda lecture by prof Roland Billen from the University of Liege. He gives a presentation on Smart Point Clouds.
• 10:55 – 12.10 Break-out session 1 (4 parallel sessions)
• 12.10  – 13.30 Lunch
• 13.30 – 14.45 Break-out session 2 (4 parallel sessions)
• 14.45 – 15:30 Refreshments
• 15:30 – 16:30 Break-out session 3 (4 parallel sessions)
• 16:30 – 16:40 Closure
• 16:40 – 17:30 Refreshments
Thema’s van de sessies
Geophysical Geodesy
Een greep uit de presentaties: Exploring with the 3D flow map as an alternative of 2D flow map.A consistent sea-level reconstruction and its budget on basin and global scales over 1958-2014. The global signature of post-1900 land ice wastage on vertical land motion. Ice sheets in a changing climate: processes, observations and modeling.
Machine learning and Stochastics 
Information extraction from dynamic PS-InSAR time series using machine learning. Fusing BAG Building Boundaries to Enhance Edge of  AHN2 by Using Continuous Markov Random Field. Point cloud classification by map guided interpretation. Crowd -based Place (names) information from (Big) Geosocial Data. Semantic labelling of pole-like street furniture in mobile laser scanning data.
Mapping and modelling
Visible cadastral boundaries extraction using very high resolution satellite images. Developement of a data structure to model semantically rich 3D+LOD GIS Data in 4D. Modelling urban noise in CITYGML ADE: Case of the Netherlands. Integration of Open Data Principles and Spatial Information Infrastructure for Participatory Urban Planning Monitoring in Indonesian Cities.
Sensor systems
Registration free methods for detecting changes in terrestrial laser scan data. SuperGPS: Accurate timing and positioning through an optical-wireless distributed time and frequency reference. Application of satellite and UAV based thermography for soil salinity assessment. Airborne LiDAR data filtering based on geodesic transformations of mathematical morphology. Fast animal detection in UAV images using convolutional neural networks. Indoor positioning: Matching images and floor plan. An healthy urban route planner